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Credentials are used to obtain access to the T IoT Hub.
Here you can find more details of how you will receive the invite depending on your permission.

Administrator (Admin) As an administrator, for a first-time setup, you will be invited via e-mail. Follow the instructions to set a new password and authenticate your password via the OTP process using Free OTP to generate an 8-digit one-time password.

User As a user, your company’s administrator invites you. Click the link and set your password. You then can log into the IoT Hub dashboard.

  • The e-mail link expires after 24 hours.
  • A self-registration for the T IoT Hub dashboard and apps is not available.


After the login, the start page of the T IoT Hub is loaded. The standard layout displays all apps and functions your tenant is offering.

Operational services

  • Connectivity management
  • Device Management
  • IoT System Performance
  • Cloud of things

Dedicated services

  • IoT Creators
  • IoT Solution Optimizer
  • IoT Hardware

Some services can be grayed out. It means that they are not available yet, but will be added soon.

The navigation bar on the top gives you direct access to IoT Hub inner pages, like the Connectivity Management and Device Management page (depending on what has been activated for your tenant). Both tile and navigation bar lead to the same pages within T IoT Hub.


Access user profile and tenant accounts

On the upper right you find the access to the user account / user profile.
If the administrator / user has rights to access multiple tenants, on the upper right there is the possibility to switch between tenants.
Just click on tenant name to get a selection available for you.

Additional services

Some tiles allow to reach additional services. In order to do that, click on the three dots menu on the upper right of tile and select one of the options.

Additional services

Depending on the tenant setup, the displayed apps in the navigation bar may vary.

Customize layout

Pressing the Customize layout button allows the user to add / remove tiles that have been activated for this tenant. It is also possible to re-arrange the tiles (the order they are displayed).
Simply press the Add tiles button.

Customize layout

The menu will display all available options to add and tiles. You can Remove tiles by clicking on the “Cross” icon on the tile.

Remove tiles
  • Depending on the tenant an unlimited number of tiles can be provided linking to pages and services.
  • If all tiles of the selected tenant are displayed, the add tile button is not available.
  • For more information about the currently activated tiles for your tenant please contact your company’s administrator.
  • If you are an administrator and want to see more options, please contact your management.

Platforms Page

The Platforms page can be accessed directly from the T IoT Hub dashboard using the menu in the Connectivity Management tile. The Platforms tile also gives an overview of available platforms.
To manage platform credentials, please go to the Platforms page.


The Platforms page displays the currently compatible platforms, which can be connected to the T IoT Hub.
The list of Platforms may vary according to setting of the tenant.
When first being setup, a user with administrator role privileges needs to connect their company’s platform account with the T IoT Hub.

Platforms are identified by the mobile operator and the name of the technical platform known to the user.
To directly access the original platform login, click on the external link icon.

  • The API access may use a different platform name using an API prefix.

For administrators only: after clicking on the desired platform, below the list of the platform you can see the list of added credentials (or only the Add new account button, if no credentials were added yet).

Add new account

The pop up is opened. It contains a form for credentials.

  • Different platforms require a different set of credentials. So will see different input fields here.
  • This information is only known to the company’s administrator.

For Telekom Deutschland there can be different sets of credentials depending on the type of your connection.
Once correctly entered T IoT Hub will be able to directly connect to the platform and immediately display the data provided by the platform.

Pop up form

SIM card logistics

The SIM card logistics page can be accessed directly from the T IoT Hub dashboard using the tile.

SIM card logistics

On the page you can add a list of contact e-mails, then use them for ordering SIM cards (just select an e-mail and enter the number of SIM cards you want to order).
The list of orders is available below the form.

Order SIM card
  • The SIM card logistics page is is a custom feature available to customers under individual contract only.