Satellite Connect Order Satellite Connect

When ordering Satellite Connect, you will be asked to provide some additional information to make the installation as seamless as possible.

Required site information

Please submit pictures. The pictures should be named as per the table below.

The Selected antenna location 01.jpg
Antenna Surrounding-1The Right side of the antenna location02.jpg
Antenna Surrounding-2The back side of the antenna location03.jpg
Antenna Surrounding-3The Left side of the antenna location04.jpg
Line of sight toward sat# 1 (Azimuth, Elevation)06.jpg
Equipment Rack does not exist07.jpg
IFL path - 108.jpg
IFL path - 209.jpg
IFL path - 310.jpg
IFL path - 411.jpg
Power Generator12.jpg
Junction box13.jpg
Electrical measurements14.jpg
Site Plan16.jpg