Help and Support Glossary

This glossary provides definitions and explanations of key terms and concepts related to T IoT Hub, Deutsche Telekom’s platform for managing IoT devices and connectivity. Whether you’re new to T IoT Hub or looking to deepen your understanding, this glossary will help you navigate the terminology and concepts.

AAMApplication Access Management
APIApplication Programming Interface
BSSBusiness Support Systems are the components that a telecommunications service provider (or telco) uses to run its business operations towards customers.
CMO APIConnectivity Management Application Programming Interface
DMO APIDevice Management Application Programming Interface
GUIGraphical User Interface
IoTInternet of Things
ICCIDIntegrated circuit card identifier (contains the country code, the mobile network code and the SIM card number)
IMSIinternational mobile subscriber identity
IAMIdentity and Access Management
KPIKey Performance Indicator
MSISDNMobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number (mapping of the telephone number to the SIM)
OTPOne Time Password
SIMSubscriber Identity Module – commonly known as a SIM card that contains a microchip that stores data that identifies the user
TenantA tenant represents a space in the T IoT Hub in which customer have access to their own data and services.
TMSPTelekom M2M Service Portal 3.0
TMUS ICCT-Mobile US IoT Control Center