Device Management Get started
Create a new device
The Devices page can be accessed directly from the T IoT Hub dashboard using the tile or the navigation bar. To manage devices please go to the Devices page.
To quickly create a new device, enter the device ID in the Create Device tile, and click Create device to finalize creation on the Manage Devices page.
The Devices start page gives you a detailed view of all devices connected in the T IoT Hub. It also offers a map view for devices that share their location using a standard protocol.
You can toggle between views, enabling list view, hiding the map or showing the map full screen.
List View
The list view permits you to search, select, group devices and see more details for individual devices. To manage devices globally, click the Manage Devices button. Manage Groups opens a page to create, delete and edit groups.
Device details full screen view
This is the device details full screen view. The map is hidden.
Clicking on Manage opens a popup with all available device details. There you can access the following tasks:
- View device details (variable depending on the device)
- Add / remove the device from a group.
- Copy the SIM card number by clicking the icon
- Change the SIM card status
- Delete the device. In doing so, the device will not be available to the platform anymore.
Manage devices
The Manage devices page lets the user perform a variation of tasks:
- Create (register) devices
- Enter detail information for devices
- Connect devices
- See status of devices
- Delete devices
Registering one or more devices may take a moment. Click Refresh list to get status updates. If an error occurred, the error message is displayed in the Error log.
- The device name does not accept blank characters. Please use the underscore to separate names.
Manage groups
The Manage groups tab lets the user create, delete and edit groups.
Editing a group
After clicking Create a new group the user has an options menu to select the name and color for the group. The user can also directly add devices to the group.