APIs About

The T IoT Hub opens up possibilities for developers seeking to harness the power of the Internet of Things (IoT). Our platform provides seamless integration with APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), empowering you to interact with the T IoT Hub and seamlessly integrate your applications with IoT functionality.

CMO | Connectivity Management Orchestrator API

Retrieves usage and tariff data from connectivity platforms operated by different mobile network providers.

DMO | Device Management Orchestrator API

An interoperability layer for integration of different devices, applications, and platforms.

POS | Product Ordering Service API

Order products and services from the IoT Store.

CSO | Customer Support Orchestrator API

Raise support requests for IoT connectivity products offered by different operators and related BSS systems.

Smart Manufacturing


Automated configuration of IoT devices. Instead of manually configuring each device individually. APIs enable you to apply configurations in a systematic and efficient manner. This saves time, reduces human error, and simplifies the deployment process.

Smart Manufacturing


With APIs, you can configure a large number of devices simultaneously or in a batch. This scalability is crucial when dealing with IoT deployments that involve hundreds or thousands of devices. APIs streamline the configuration process, ensuring consistent settings across the entire fleet of devices.

Smart Manufacturing

Remote Configuration

Configuration of IoT devices over a network connection. This eliminates the need for physical access to each device, making it feasible to configure devices deployed in remote or inaccessible locations. It reduces costs associated with on-site visits and enables updates or changes when needed.