Account Settings Create new users and additional admins

As a T IoT Hub admin, you can manage your account’s collaborators.
To manage members and permissions:

  1. Click the Profile icon in the top-right corner of the room
  2. Click User Management.
User Management
  • This page is only visible for admin users.

From the User Management page, you can also invite or remove colleagues and manage their permissions all in one place.

Now you’re on the User Management page, where you can invite new collaborators, remove those who no longer need access to the room, and manage the permissions of those you’ve already invited.

You can easily add new users by providing basic information such as name, e-mail address, and assigned role.


Permissions and roles

To help you manage your people in the T IoT Hub Account, here’s a breakdown of roles and permission levels:

  • Read-only: Collaborators can access connectivity reports and device information when selected. This role is only permitted to read or view, not to make changes.

  • User: Collaborators can access Connectivity Management and Device Management to edit the status of devices and SIM cards. This role cannot access more advanced management areas like User Management and Application Access Management.

  • Administrator: Collaborators have full access to the account, including the User Management page. Here they can add, remove, and alter permissions for other collaborators and access the Application Access Management to get API keys for the T IoT Hub.


Activation e-mail

Once you add a new user, they will receive an e-mail from with instructions to enter their account. This e-mail contains an activation link.

  • The activation link is valid within 24 hours.

If the invited user doesn’t access the inviter link within 24 hours, they will still be featured on the User management page. However, they will not have access.
In this case, admins need to click resend to send the invite again.

Edit and delete users

You can edit a current user by clicking on their name to open a pop-up. From here, you can change their account details or permission level.

Once you make your changes, click the Save button, and your user will be automatically updated.

Edit users

In the same section, you can also delete existing users.

  • Click on the trash symbol next to the user you want to remove.
  • A popup will ask you to confirm the action.
Delete users
  • Once deleted, the user will be directly logged out and can no longer log in at the T IoT Hub.